What I Wore: Jeans and a Tee Shirt

There's something just so great about a simple tee shirt and jeans.ย The thing is, when you're a woman with curves, finding such simple pieces that fit and flatter can be a challenge.ย A shirt will fit my bust but gape at the neck and hang to my knees; if it fits the body it suffocates the arms and pulls at the chest. I'm loving this tee from SixTwenty so much I don't just wear it as a shell but on it's own.ย That is RARE for me; tees usually pull at the bust, the sleeves ride up into my pits, the length is too short or too long and the torso is too tight.
I am still loving these jeans, so much I grabbed a longer pair when they were on clearance and an additional 30% off.ย The holes started getting a bit too… extreme (and yes this Extreme too), so I took an old white pillowcase and used some Stitch Witchery to adhere to the back, and then sewed them in place.ย So I have holes, but it's not like my knee is going to fall out.
And hey, it's not an Alison outfit without some awesome accessories!ย Rocking the $20 red spotted haircalf Nine West Flax pumps yet again.ย I now have three pairs of this shoe, total perfection pump at a nice price!