What I Wore: Bandana Badass

The bandana is back this season, and it gives me an opportunity to pull out some oldies but goodies like this one from Vision Street Wear. It's always fun to take something old from the wardrobe and give it a new life with new trends. The bandana trend is an effortless way to make an outfit look more put together.
Though my cast is off, my arm is still healing and my hand isn't strong enough to perform many daily tasks. Clothing is still best when it's a bit loose, but I'm liking jackets because they cover the still healing scar and provide some protection. Adding the jacket and styling with the bandana make me feel less like an invalid and more like a badass!
I love the this outfit. May I borrow this look? You totally inspire me and I do miss your outfit posts.
Love this look <3 Very bad ass/effortless/chic, those heels are great!
This entire look works and is awesome! Congratulations on finally getting the cast off. I hope you continue to heal quickly!
The clean backdrop is the bomb and your outfit and hair are great
I, too, have worn this style. Do you have any tips on getting the right fit for the neck? I know I can tie it tighter. However, sometimes I have the wings of the tie sticking out at the back of my neck because I have short hair.
I must admit that I did not know that bandanas were back in style – so now I will look into my closet and get inspired.
Your cast is off! Good news. Also, cool outfit. I do like the jeans (both the colour and the strategic holes)
New photo venue!
Doing a lot of photos from now on in the house; Karl has this backdrop for his business and doing them inside means I can do them at 6am or 10pm or when it’s raining. The broken arm was a chance for me to reassess things and I realized how much stress and planning goes into an outfit shoot; this reduces some of the stress!
You look Great, hope your hand heals soon.
Looking good, the bandana really sets off the outfit! Congrats on getting the cast off, do take it easy!
What a lovely outfit! I love bandanas and it makes your look really charming!
You look gorgeous!
I love a bandana, and wear one as a head scarf (a la Rosie the Riveter) from time to time. This looks cool.