The Weekend Outfits

Friday Night – Concert. Black merino crewneck from Banana Republic, black footless tights from Old Navy, distressed denim skirt from Old Navy, leopard print ballet flats from Target. I don't love the shoes, but my feet were killing me and I needed a quick fix for the evening. Got them on the commute home. Silver large hoops and cuff bracelet.
Same makeup, just added powder and lipgloss. Same hair, just brushed it. We went to a place that has concerts of local and lesser-known bands. General admission, casual dinner before hand, night with husband and two friends.
Saturday – American Heart Association Walk in the city. My father and my uncle both passed away due to heart disease, my friend's father is a survivor of a heart attack. About ten of us made a team and collected donations and walked for the cause.
Hair washed, conditioned and dried straight. No product. Makeup was only a bit of Body Shop concealer, only the mascara part of L'Oreal Volume Shocking mascara and some lip balm from The Body Shop.
I wore a dark green fleece from The North Face, a long sleeved white tee from my college, a white ribbed tank under it. Black knit exercise pants from the Champion line at Target, New Balance tennies. I carried my stuff in a little backpack I got from when I worked for The Body Shop, slings across the body, small, black, perfect size for basic necessities, but big enough to tuck in the fleece if it got too warm.
Saturday Night – went to another concert, at a different general admission location. Went with my mom, my husband and his dad.
Plum crinkle tunic from Express with tonal embroidery, lowrise bootcut jeans from Gap, black city boots from Enzo. Long necklace of glass and wood beads from Claire's. Large silver hoops. In the first picture you can see my beloved $9.99 brown suede coat from Express – my winter staple. I wore it with an ivory and brown zebra print fleece scarf from Old Navy.
Hair was washed, conditioned, a bit of Frizz-Ease Dream Curls applied, blown to be wavy, then changed mind last minute and made straight. Used a bit of Jonathan Dirt for texture.
Makeup is L'Oreal True Match foundation, Body Shop stick concealer, Physician's Formula bronzer in light as powder. On lips is the Body Shop's sheer lipcolor in 02. Eyes done with the Revlon ColorStay shadow quad in neutral, thin line of Maybelline Ultra Liner in black, Volume Shocking Mascara from L'Oreal.