My Wardrobe Today – Wednesday

Tunic – Bought from a vendor at a music festival
Skirt – Ann Taylor (similar)
Belt – Necklace from J. Crew (similar)
Shoes – Miss Sixty (similar)
Cuff – Gap (not available online – similar)
Emerson started crying and screaming at 3:30am – a nightmare. I went in, she didn't seem to know where she was and needed some cuddling to calm down. A half-hour later she was screaming again. This time my husband went in, but I sat in bed listening to the baby monitor. I feel for her – it's so scary to have such dreams at that age, and hard to separate them from reality. With the trees losing their leaves, the light that comes in her room at night is stronger and sometimes puts weird shadows on the wall – we had to show her that it was the fan, the curtains, etc. causing the shapes. She won't sleep with a nightlight, only with her Twilight Turtle, and that turns off after a while.
Well needless to say after the middle of the night freak-out, I slept through my alarm. So did my husband. I woke at 7:45 and had to be out the door in 15 minutes. My husband took care of getting Emerson ready and I pulled this look together after playing with my wardrobe this weekend and trying to figure out how to incorporate this top into my current collection. Not until I got to work did I realize I have on two different shoes – the right is from my old pair of Jaidens, the left from my current pair. Very hard to tell the difference from afar, but up close you can see they are different leathers and slightly different shades. Whoops!
Sidenote – super psyched to be the size where I can wear necklaces around my waist again! I used to do this look several years ago, and am happy I can once more!
Thank you so much!
When I saw this post my first thought was, “wow, she is looking skinny!” GO girl! PS I have been a reader for about 9 months and your efforts are paying off. Thumbs up Allie.
Love this outfit. And necklace for a belt is an ingenious idea 🙂
Awww, poor Emerson, and poor parents!
But you look fabulous in that top, and I love the mix of the animal print with the fun patterns of the top.
When I get ready in 15 minutes, I look like it! Pony tail, minimal makeup, sloppy clothes. Another reason to be envious!
You look wonderful! Those booties are perfect — I can’t tell that they’re two different ages. My oldest used to have night terrors — I think I was as scared as she was.
Oh a flashlight is BRILLIANT! Thank you so much! She loves flashlights already, I think that would make her feel very secure! (and welcome to the blog!)
Hi! I’m new to reading your blog – I was pointed here by Sal from
I love your blog and I’m excited to add it to my feed reader since we seem very similar – working mom, young kid (I have a 4 yr. old and 10 mo. old), fashion-minded, and on weight watchers! 🙂
Anyway, enough kissing up.. I had a similar time with my daughter when she was around that age. Not necessarily nightmares, but she’d refuse to go to bed in her room. The trick that worked for me and my husband was giving her a flashlight. Not sure if you’ve tried that or not, but it sure worked for us. Now our daughter taks her favorite books to bed and stays there contently (and no, she can’t read yet, just goes from memory or makes up the story). Hopefully whatever you do you don’t have too many nights like last night!
You look great for getting ready in 15 minutes! You can’t tell that you have on two pair of shoes from afar!!
Almost… I put in some dry shampoo and put big sections into the curling iron.
Wow, I don’t look that stylish when I have two hours to get ready! Did you wake with your hair like that?