My Beauty Routine: Yvonne

While it’s fun to read about the beauty habits of celebrities, I find it most helpful to learn about the beauty habits of women who have lifestyles, ages, or budgets similar to mine. In this series, I’ve asked amazing women I know to share their beauty routines. These are women from across the country, different ages, lifestyles, professions, and beauty/skincare priorities.
Name: Yvonne
Age: 31 (and owning it proudly)
Location: Washington, DC-Really Prince George’s County, but it’s easier to say DC for non-natives
Profession: Daytime job, I work in destination marketing for an international organization. Retirement plan: I own a boutique creative marketing company, PinkDollhouse Marketing and co-founded a podcast with my business bestie called The Little Black Book which launched two months ago (visit Yvonne on Instagram)
Tell me a bit about your skincare and/or routine.
I switch up my routine based on the weather. In the winter I use a heavier moisturizer and summer lighter gel-based moisturizer. I love the more expensive creams from high-end brands, but let's be real shall we? My budget isn’t there yet to afford it, plus I can’t give up my bi-weekly nail appointments or Starbucks habit. Instead, my go to’s are the drugstore brands Ambi, Olay, L'Oreal, and Neutrogena.
In the winter, I use L'Oreal’s Eye Defense, Olay’s Age Defying Classic with SPF 15 moisturizer, and finish with SOO’AE Rose Mist. Olay’s moisturizer helps to protect my skin from the disrespectful DMV winters-like why is it so cold?!
Summers here can be brutal for your skin, so I switch to gel-based products. I can’t say enough how much I love Neutrogena’s Hydra Boost Water Gel and Eye Cream. A little buying secret? Purchase skin care products on Amazon, you can find bundle deals and if you have this amazing thing called Prime, it can be at your door same day. I always finish with SOO’AE Rose Mist, carried by Walmart, it’s an affordable version of the popular brands you will find at Ulta.
A consistent part of my routine is weekly facials. I can’t remember how I discovered Indian Healing Clay (again shout out to Amazon) either way, it’s an affordable way to purify your skin from the elements and your weekly commute.
I’m not a huge makeup person, and honestly break out the kit only when I have an important event-or go see Beyonce and Jay-Z in concert (which I did!). Since I commute for work and are a chronic snooze hitter, I have roughly ten minutes to pull together an effortless look.
My saving grace comes down to four products: MAC’s Eyebrow Styled Pencil in Spiked, Wet n Wild mascara (purchased at 5 Below-which has a pretty good beauty section), NYX Powder Puff Lippie (just buy all the colors, you need them), and Clarins 5-in-one pen.
Has your skincare and/or beauty routine changed due to age, lifestyle, career, etc.?
I always love to tell anyone who’s in their 20’s you need to use eye cream…why? As you get older and the nights get longer or you find yourself working late, traveling, etc…no one wants raccoon eyes or to appear older in that area. The eyes are the most delicate parts of your skin, and one of the first places to show signs of aging. Plus if you wear makeup a lot, that part of your skin can start to appear worn if you don’t take care of it.
I started using eye cream when I was 22…yeah that sounds right, and I worked for Bloomingdales. The ladies in the beauty department first gave me a lecture about skincare and how I needed to use more than cocoa butter to achieve a lasting glow. Well now, I have them to thank for why I appear 5 years younger (other people’s words, not mine) when I’m not wearing makeup and people compliment my skin, a lot has to do with good karma, the other half is eye cream.
What is the best skincare or beauty advice you ever got and from whom?
Wear an eye mask, drink water, and have good karma. The rest will take care of itself
What is your must-have holy grail beauty or skincare product?
I don’t really have one…but I will say it again, eye cream and rose mist save lives.
What is your biggest beauty or skincare regret or embarrassment?
Choosing the wrong eyebrow pencil…I look like an angry bird.
What nugget of skincare or beauty wisdom do you wish you could give to your younger self?
Buy multiples of the Dior pink lipstick that is now discontinued…and get the Chanel red lipstick, you look good in red.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Don’t allow stress or meaningless situations to get to you-it causes wrinkles.
Beautiful lady with gorgeous skin! Your tips are definitely working–thanks for sharing!