Hot Fashion For 2009
Baby accessory is sold separately…
Daddy's off to wash a load of dirty diapers while Mommy takes a cat nap until the next feeding…
Baby accessory is sold separately…
Daddy's off to wash a load of dirty diapers while Mommy takes a cat nap until the next feeding…
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Whether you are starting a new job, changing offices, or beginning an internship on the Hill, itโs important to start your new position on the right foot. While it is important to be yourself, there are some things you just should not wear the first week on the job, no matter where you are working.… Continue Reading What Not to Wear Your First Week of Work
I used to have a closet full of dresses. Expensive dresses. I justified the investment (doesnโt that sound better than splurge?) because not only were they appropriate professionally, but one dress required little thought in the morning, whereas a two-piece suit also required a blouse option, and three wardrobe components were two too many for… Continue Reading A Life, Replotted: Dressing the Part
I had a reader reach out to me asking about what shoes look best with ankle pants. While she has ankle-length jeans in her wardrobe, she has never owned ankle pants before and was wondering which shoes work best with them. With a focus on work fashion, she desired ideas of what shoes to wear… Continue Reading What Shoes Look Best with Ankle Pants?
One of the most popular questions I am asked on Instagram is where I buy my activewear. And I havenโt written a post about it because my answer is not exciting. I am 5โ3โ which has me between regular and petite sizing, and I wear a 14 in pants, 12 in some jeans. This makes… Continue Reading Where I Buy Activewear
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As you know, I trust Soma for well-fitting, high-quality bras and intimates. But Soma is also a fantastic gift destination! I have often bought presents for friends and family from Soma, and I’m going to share what I think are the best holiday gifts from Soma this season, and which ones are best for the… Continue Reading Soma Gift Guide: The Best Holiday Gifts
aww think the baby carrier is so cute. Emerson Elaine is a perfect name for such a beautiful baby!
Congratulations to you and your hubby.May God bless baby and keep her safe.
big kiss,
Woah, that’s your hubby? Cuute!
My husband wears the Moby wrap too, although it’s not quite as hunky-looking. It’s usually over a sweatshirt.
Great carrier, we love it!
sooooo sweeeet! Congrats!
Husband that does laundry too? That’s what I’m talking about! I love that so much. That’s sofakinghaute ๐
Congrats again! Rest up my dear ๐
Ahhhh that is sooo cute, dad you got the most precious thing in the world right there! Hi Emerson!
When do we get a glimpse of the babe with her Mama? I’m sure you look lovely. New Mama bliss and all. ๐
I am so glad he is recovered…as I bet he is, too! I told my husband and he said, “Man, he is NOT the first guy to get physically exhausted from the ordeal!” People act like men can just hang on with you forever and being in the hospital that long, it is likely he picked up a bug.
I am glad you posted this. I tried 2 slings and neither worked for me. I have back issues, though, so maybe that was it…? I saw upthread someone posted about a kind they used with their 2 year old, so maybe it isn’t too late. My son LOVES TO BE HELD and it would be nice to have some free hands.
That is soooo adorable!! Your baby and daddy are gorgeous!!
That is the cutest thing … Congratulations, you guys make one happy family. Daddy and Emerson are too cute for words.
Congratulations!!! Emerson is beautiful!
There is nothing sexier than a dad holding his baby. My favorite pics of my husband are when he’s holding one or all of our babies. Sniff…brings back memories!
6 ft 5! Why do you short girls have to fall for the tall men?! It is a fab photo, and he is looking much healthier than he sounded in your birthing story. Did he find out what was wrong with him, or was it just flu/allergic to childbirth?
Congratulations on your beautiful baby. Your husbands smile is radiant, just glowing. Take care of yourself.
What a happy dad! So wonderful to see.
LOVE the sling! When Emerson gets bigger, try an Ergo — the waist and chest straps take the weight off your shoulders and we used ours until our daughter was almost 2. My husband is 6’2″ and I’m 5’8″, so it works well with different heights, too. Can’t wait to see you wearing it!
I’ve told my husband before that there is nothing hotter than a man wearing a baby. ๐ That is a great picture! Your hubby is a keeper for sure.
The Moby (and baby-wearing husbands) is awesome! I have three! (Mobys, not baby-wearing husbands.)
Is she wearing eyebrow pencil already?! ;0) That’s one perfect eyebrow. She has your eyes. Those are cute photos, thanks for posting.
That is so cute! I want one now and I mean the whole package, please: baby, husband, and the Moby Wraps.
Your hubby is awesome for letting you post those pics of him!! I once took pictures of my hubby wearing our baby in a sling and he wouldn’t let me put them on my blog! ๐
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about natural birthing, breastfeeding, baby wearing and cloth diapering with the mainstream world. Hopefully your views will catch on more!
Would love to hear how you like the cloth diapers – which ones do you use?
Your daughter is so precious. I really admire the way you are doing things. I am a mom of two, former L & D nurse and Lactation consultant. I am so glad you can accept that things didn’t go as you had planned. Your planning was the best, but things do happen.
I also used cloth diapers with both of my children and still wouldn’t do it any other way. I do not like disposables and never have.
Breastfeeding is a gift with long term benefits, some of which you cannot readily see. Check out my link to attachment parenting.I also used the sling for years, it really helps distribute the weight
I hope things go well for you. If you ever have any questions please feel free to email me. I am so happy for you and your hubby.
LOVE IT!!!! you are blessed with a wonderful (and gorgeous)family-and what a birthing story!!!!!!
My sister-in-law has one and LOVES it!!! Congrats again!!!
That is too CUTE! And here was me worrying that we were never going to hear from you – but you are still keeping in touch!