Friday: Wishful Thinking

Blouse: Bellatrix
Camisole: H&M (similar)
Denim Leggings: c/o Karen Kane
Boots: DUO (similar)
Necklace: Ann Taylor (similar)
Bracelet: c/o IN PINK
The past couple of days have been HOT. What happened to the days of pashminas, tall boots, and breathing in a hot mug of tea? Today it's supposed to go up to 82, but I'm dreaming of fall weather and wearing my boots in revolt. At least the sheer top will keep me from being overheated, and the office thermostat still thinks it's steamy 24/7 so I'm comfy indoors.ย Call it wishful thinking!
What are your weekend plans? Tomorrow I am going to the Virgin Mobile FreeFest with some friends, Sunday a friend is having an Oktoberfest party that we plan on attending. Are you going to the FreeFest? if so let me know and maybe we'll meet up! I can't wait to see Jack White – he better behave!